Roles & Permissions

Learn how roles and permissions work within Airbook.

Airbook is built with security in mind. We've created a simple but powerful way to manage access so you can keep your data safe.

Roles in Airbook apply at two levels: the workspace as a whole and individual Airbooks.

Workspace Roles:

There are three workspace roles in Airbook, with some key differences between them:


The owner has control of the workspace's membership and integrations. They can add and remove members, manage billing, and add or remove external data sources. Only the owner can add admins. The holder of the owner role can't be removed or re-assigned. There can only be one owner per workspace. If you need to transfer ownership of your workspace to another user, contact us.


The admin has similar capabilities as the owner. However, an admin can be removed by the owner at any time. They also can't add other admins.


An analyst can connect to external data sources, create projects and Airbooks, and write and run queries. Analysts can invite other workspace users only as analysts, but they can invite editors and viewers and assign Airbook roles to users in Airbooks they have created.

Airbook Roles:

There are four Airbook roles, which apply individually to each Airbook and can be assigned by the Airbook creator.

Airbook Owner:

The owner is the user who created the Airbook. The owner can extend access to their Airbooks to other users in the workspace. Owners can add any block type and write and run queries. The Airbook role supersedes the workspace role. For example, a workspace owner may be granted read only access to an Airbook by its owner. The owner can invite external users as editors, viewers and analysts.

Adding an analyst is a billable action. If you invite an external user as an analyst, they will also be assigned that role at the workspace level.

At present it's not possible to transfer ownership of Airbooks using the app. Contact us if you need to do so.


The analyst can create all block types. They can write and run queries, create charts, and provide context. They can also invite external users as editors and viewers, or assign that role to workspace users.


Editors can add any block type except SQL. This enables them to create charts and provide context to the output of SQL queries, and ask any questions they might have right in-line with your analysis.


Viewers have read-only access to the Airbook. They can view all content, but can't make any changes whatsoever.

Last updated