
Core features and functionalities of Airbook

Welcome to Airbook! Here’s a quick tour of the core features and functionalities that make Airbook a powerful tool for data analysis and collaboration.


Your workspace is the central hub where all your projects, datasets, and reports live. It’s designed to keep everything organized and easily accessible, so you can focus on what matters.

How to use it:

  • Centralized Organization: Keep all your data projects in one place.

  • Controlled Access: Manage who can view and edit.

  • Collaborative Environment: Work together with your team in real-time.


Projects help you organize your work into separate areas for different tasks or initiatives. Each project can have multiple Airbooks, datasets, and reports, making it easy to stay organized.

How to use it:

  • Organize by Focus: Separate projects by team, department, or goal.

  • Track Progress: Keep an eye on deadlines and milestones.

  • Collaborate With Context: Share insights and work together within specific projects.


Airbooks are interactive documents where you can combine code, data, text and charts. They’re flexible and powerful, allowing you to create dynamic reports and analyses.

How to use it:

  • Perform Flexible Analysis: Use SQL to any data source with flexible joins.

  • Maintain Living Documents: Update automatically as data changes.

  • Combine Code and Context: Document your findings, share context around your numbers and collaborate with your team- in one place.

Connections to Datasources

Airbook makes it easy to connect to over 150+ data sources, including business apps, databases, and data warehouses. This ensures you can bring all your data into one cohesive space.

How to use it:

  • Integrate Easily: Connect to any source without worrying about building complex pipelines.

  • Keep Data Fresh: Ensure your data is up-to-date.

  • Analyze Comprehensively: Combine data from multiple sources for in-depth analysis.

Slash Command Menus

Slash commands are your shortcuts to efficiency. Just type a slash (/) to access a range of commands that let you manipulate data, create visualizations, and more.

How to use it:

  • Access Quickly: Run queries or insert charts in a snap.

  • Boost Efficiency: Access your most-used functions without breaking your flow.

  • Increase Productivity: Get things done faster with intuitive commands.

Querying Using SQL

If you’re comfortable with SQL, you’ll feel right at home. Write and execute SQL queries directly in your documents to extract and manipulate data from your connected sources. Powered with auto-complete to let you query your data quickly.

How to use it:

  • Query any source: Write multiple SQL queries to multiple sources in one place.

  • Chained Queries: Join queries from multiple sources using local data-frames

  • Live Queries: All your queries run on live data which can be scheduled to refresh as per your convenience.

Building Charts

Visualization is key to understanding data. With Airbook you can create a variety of charts and graphs in a no-code way to bring your data stories to life.

How to use it:

  • Create Diverse Visuals: From line charts to pie graphs, choose the best way to visualize your data.

  • Customize Your Charts: Tailor visualizations to fit your presentation style.

  • Make Informed Decisions: Use clear visuals to drive data-driven decisions.

Writing Context

Data without context is just numbers. Airbook lets you add notes, explanations, and context to your data, ensuring everyone gets the full picture.

How to use it:

  • Explain Thoroughly: Provide detailed explanations alongside your data.

  • Highlight Key Points: Annotate important findings and insights.

  • Ensure Accessibility: Make data understandable for all team members.

Notebooks for Exploration

Notebooks are perfect for exploratory data analysis. Use them to dive deep into your data, test ideas, and uncover new insights.

How to use it:

  • Explore Data: Dig into data and explore different angles.

  • Test Hypotheses: Validate your ideas with data.

  • Share Discoveries: Easily share your exploratory work with your team.


Dashboards give you a high-level view of your key metrics and KPIs. They’re customizable and can pull data from multiple sources for a comprehensive overview.

How to use it:

  • Monitor in Real-Time: Keep an eye on your business performance.

  • Update Stakeholders: Share key metrics with your team and stakeholders.

  • Customize Your View: Build dashboards that display the most relevant data.

Scheduling Reports

Reporting just got easier. With Airbook, you can set up automated reports that generate and share themselves on a regular schedule.

How to use it:

  • Automate Reporting: Save time with reports that send themselves.

  • Ensure Consistency: Keep reports timely without manual effort.

  • Keep Everyone Informed: Regularly update stakeholders with consistent insights.

Sharing & Collaboration

Collaboration is at the heart of Airbook. Share your documents, insights, and reports with ease, whether it’s within your team or with external partners.

How to use it:

  • Work Together in Real-Time: Collaborate on the same document simultaneously.

  • Share Easily: Distribute interactive reports with clients or partners.

  • Manage Access: Control who can view and edit your work to maintain data security.

Last updated